Thursday, June 20, 2013


HOMG!! Yesterday was definitely the biggest and most life changing experience of my life. I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!! I managed to pull through 4 years of procrastination and some what dedication to finish off my high school career with high honors, a national honor society member, and an ABC Unified School District Distinguished Scholar. Honestly I don't remember what I was feeling as my name was called and as I walked across the stage because it was all so fast. I only remember hearing my family's unconditional love and cheers for me as I was walking into the field towards the ceremony. I remember waiting and listening to the songs and speeches of my principal and fellow peers, just waiting for the ceremony to end so I could run to my friends & watch the firework show with them. The speeches were somewhat memorable, our ASB president, Danny, said that our senior class was like crocodiles hatching from eggs in the swamp for some reason & our ASB Vice President, Tony, well he was just being his FOB grammar self. Nevertheless I love those 2 somewhat high achieving valedictorians & glad I got to know them really well. Only thoughts of relief and happiness come to mind when I think of that night because I know after this summer in Cerritos, I will be going 2000 miles away, across the country to the beautiful BOSTON with my Vivi. I FINALLY MADE IT!! 
I know I am not going to miss going through my daily routine of waking up, picking up my neighbor, driving to school, honking at all the retarded asian parent drivers who think they have the right of way all the time, and walking like a zombie from class to class. But surprisingly there are some things that I will miss about high school. I am going to miss sharing journals with Vivi, Alice & Ganesh, trying not to sleep, looking to see if Tony & Angela came to class, and complaining about the articles in my first period senior MUN class. I am going to miss walking to 2nd and 3rd period with Scott, talking about random things and making fun of how girls dress at school. I am going to miss venting to Angela about all the AP Lit assignments while Kevin tries to steal her attention away from me. I am going to miss sitting in front of the beautiful Jessica being all confused about our BC openers. I am going to miss seeing all my FOB friends at snack, pretending to understand everything they are saying. I am going to miss my 4th period Mr. B gang, Arnelle, Kalyani, and Jessie, cheating on our photoshop assignments. I am going to miss pretending to be studious pharmacy students with my 5th period boys: Mikael, Andrew, Brian. I am going to miss laughing with Mr. Turek & all the little juniors with all his nerdy jokes and fun iron man shirt fridays. And most of all I am going to miss seeing my best friends: Nancy, Nicole, Marisa, Consta, & Samsta every single day laughing and talking about random things that girls would usually talk about. I guess there is a lot I am going to miss about high school & I am proud of every single one of my friends, especially the ones who made high school more than learning. Seriously love you all & see you all sometime in my summer adventures before I leave! CONGRATS EVERYONE! PEACE OUT SUCKAS! 

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